Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Hang Loose?

The t-shirt above has sparked a lot of controversy in a very short amount of time. Someone spotted this t-shirt in a TJ Maxx store, took a picture, and posted it all over Twitter. The response was overwhelming, as many people viewed this shirt as blatantly racist. Stating this shirt reminded people of lynchings, in a time where black people are still fighting against racial injustice. Others believe the t-shirt may support suicide. Everyone has been questioning how TJ Maxx could produce such an insensitive t-shirt. The company has since removed all of the T-shirts from all it's store. TJ Maxx and the creator of the shirt, Tavik, have both issued a formal apology. Tavik stated he did not think the t- shirt would be seen in such a negative way.
I wonder if it really is the creator who sent a negative message or an audience who distorted an innocent t-shirt. The phase "hang loose" is not a racial term at all, it's an old surfer term. The only thing that seems somewhat disturbing is the noose hanging in the middle of the shirt. Due to all the racial tension in America right now, there are many people on edge who are looking for prejudice and racism everywhere. As a person, I believe this t-shirt is due to simple stupidity. As a black woman, I worry more about racial insensitivity and ignorance in America when I see this shirt. How could someone be stupid enough to make this t-shirt and not know the racial implications that can be drawn from this? Just how ignorant is America? Where is our future going?

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